About Us
Seminars & Workshops
Marketing Mastery
Personal Branding Workshop
Presentations that Work
Think Like the Customer
Customer Focused Service
Handling Customer Complaints
Marketing — it's Everything You Do
The Power of Publicity
Personal Branding
Creating a Customer Focused Service Culture
How do you deal with Customer Complaints?
Think Like the Customer to Win
Marketing - the myths, the might, and the magic
Selling a Service is Different
Marketing Tips
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"Best Of" articles
The Power of Thank You
The 7 Deadly Sins of Marketing
Marketing your most important asset - you!
What your children can teach you about marketing
How to Choose a marketing consultant
Marketing is like climbing a mountain
Thoughtful Firms say 'Thanks
Put your marketing strategies in writing
Good taglines send the very best messages
Best communications have the customer in mind
Customer Service & Services Marketing
Fine is a four letter word
10 'commandments' for keeping customers
Solve a complaint and win a loyal customer
Good Customer Service Starts with Happy Staff
Handling Customer Complaints
Selling a Service vs. a Product
Theatre deals with perishability
Service Guarantees a powerful marketing tool
General Marketing Ideas
Business Plan outlines your strategy
What business are you really in?
Positioning - if you can't be first, be different
Sometimes it's best to fire a customer
Marketing Mix should present consistent message
Trademarks protect your assets
If you own a trademark, you must defend it
CSR - customers take note of your behaviou
Relationship Marketing - more than just birthday cards
Trade Show Tips
Maximize Trade Show Results
Listing fees decide a food product's fate
Labels are sticky business
Advertising & Promotion
Build a brand by delivering on the promise it makes
Do your employees deliver your brand promise?
Creating your own Personal Brand
Use the five senses to stand out
Postcards: low-cost marketing weapons
Focus your sales efforts with direct mai
Make your email campaign a success
Dove campaign reflects a beautiful strategy
Shoestring' marketing sends out wrong message
Sales Promotions can have many objectives
Cross Promotions
Public Relations & Word of Mouth
Writing a News Release
Tips for doing a media interview
Media exposure is part luck, part strategy
Getting your story in the news
Put yourself in the shoes of a news editor
Amplify your publicity
Don't be shy, ask for testimonials
Developing Word-of-Mouth Advertising
Social Media & SEO
All a Twitter over Social Marketing
Facebook for small business marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics - making your website count
SEO makes your website a more effective marketing tool
About Us
Seminars & Workshops
Marketing Mastery
Personal Branding Workshop
Presentations that Work
Think Like the Customer
Customer Focused Service
Handling Customer Complaints
Marketing — it's Everything You Do
The Power of Publicity
Personal Branding
Creating a Customer Focused Service Culture
How do you deal with Customer Complaints?
Think Like the Customer to Win
Marketing - the myths, the might, and the magic
Selling a Service is Different
Marketing Tips